Monday 28 April 2014

Caring For Silk Flowers

So many people have the misguided perception that silk flowers don't need any real care.  They believe that fresh cut flowers require quite a bit of care in order to last as long as possible but anything artificial such as plastic, paper or silk flowers can just be put on display and that's that.  Sure, when you order or send flowers, there are a number of things that your florist will tell you to do in order to keep them in shape.  Likewise, there are a number of steps that need to be followed in order to maintain the quality and appearance of your silk flowers.

The biggest problem that many people report regarding silk flowers is that it's "a pain" to clean them.  However, it's so simple if you just know how!  There are a number of easy ways in which you can keep your silk flowers clean and dust free.  Firstly, use a feather duster and gently brush over them at least once a week.  That way the dust does not have time to really attach itself to your flowers.  Admittedly, this is not an option for people who suffer from dust allergies and all you are really doing is flicking the dust back up into the air.  Which brings us to another method of cleaning, by compressed air.  Surely you are familiar with those spray cans of compressed air that many people use to clean electronic devices such as computer keyboards and such.  Well, these cans are also often used to clean silk flowers.  They will blow all that dust away in a flash.  Again, the problem is for those who suffer from severe dust allergies and this is just a more powerful way of forcing the dust back up into the air.

Dust clings nicely to moisture so, arguably the best way to rid your flowers and home of dust is with a liquid of some sort.  Now, when washing your silk flowers it's not as simple as tossing them in the washing machine!  You need to take extra special care and avoid chemicals and soaps.  Rather submerge your flowers gently in some cool water.  Avoid hot or warm water as this will damage the silk.

Once you have rinsed the dust off your silk flowers, it's time to let them dry.  Do NOT place them in the sun to dry!  Do not even place them in the sun when on display.  It is only natural that any fabric will fade from the effects of the sun so, by placing your silk flowers in the sun, you are causing them to lose their colour.  Be patient and let them dry at their on pace in a shady place. 

When not on display, store your silk flowers in a sealed plastic bag or container so that no dust or moisture can get inside.  Keep them in a cool, dry place and out of the sun.

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