Wednesday 16 April 2014

Tips For Choosing Quality Cut Flowers

No matter what the occasion, whether you want to send flowers to somebody special or simply buy them for your own home, quality is always important.  This is probably the reason why so many people return to their favourite local or online florist time and time again.  When choosing a bouquet of fresh flowers, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind in order to make sure that you are selecting the best quality flowers possible. 

Firstly, check out the area in which the flowers are kept.  Avoid purchasing flowers that are kept outside.  Even if they are in the shade, there are a number of things that can damaging.  Wind and high temperatures are just two things that will shorten the life of your cut flowers.  It is best that freshly cut flowers are kept in a fridge.  Special florist fridges allow for adjustable temperatures as well as humidity levels.  This means that we can really provide the flowers with ideal conditions.  
Take your time when you order from your florist.  If possible, pick and inspect the flowers personally.  Avoid fully opened blooms because they will perish at a faster rate.  Also avoid tightly closed buds since they may never open.  Buds that have started to open are always best because you will be able to display them for so much longer.

Check the petals for any brown spots or damage.  Don't forget to check the stems to.  Damaged petals are merely unattractive but damaged stems mean that absorption can't take place at a sufficient rate and the flower will perish rather quickly.

Roses Bouquets

If you don't have the time to visit your florist and you order over the phone or online, insist that they follow your instructions.  Insist on flowers that are still only partially opened and let them know that if the flowers and / or stems are found to be damaged in any way, you will be seeking compensation.  You are the customer, at the end of the day, and you deserve the standard of quality that you are paying for. 

If you having the flower delivery sent to you, be sure to inspect the bouquet before the delivery person leaves.  Any comments or complaints should be mentioned upon receipt do avoid any disputes.  If you fancy yourself to be the kind of person who prefers not to complain, you should rather see it as expressing your opinion in order for the florist to improve on their products and services.

It also doesn't hurt to do some research and read the testimonials of other clients before choosing a florist.  Look around online and ask your friends for some advice if you can.  The best form of advertising is word of mouth and, if the people you know have had great success with a particular florist then this is probably reason enough for you to give them a try too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this here. Have really got help from this in choosing best quality of flowers. My florist friend also helped me in finding Flower Delivery near me. As a result threw a wonderful bridal shower at one of popular venues in my budget.
